Wir stellen ein!

Marco Meneghin

As a passionate performance marketer and entrepreneur, planning, implementing and evaluating optimal campaigns for our customers is very close to my heart. Always with the aim of increasing the most important key figure of all – profit! I have been involved in digital marketing for eight years, particularly marketing strategy, conversion optimization and search engine […]

Abdou Thiam

We at the OMGroup bring your message to your customers – via the relevant digital channels. As a specialist in marketing automation, I make sure that your message not only comes across superbly, but also serves to achieve your marketing goals.

Matthias Mehl

Every company has its own story. And each of these stories is interesting – as long as you tell it in a captivating way and speak to the right target groups. This is exactly what I do for customers of the OMGroup. I look forward to telling your story as well.

Janis Löpfe

I have long had a passion for performance marketing and neuromarketing. I make results measurable and optimize them individually and continually for the particular target group. I am passionate about communicating your message to the right target group in a profitable way, so that it also converts. I am currently studying to become a certified […]

Moé Kavcic

As a passionate online marketing professional, I aspire to be a leader in my field. My goal is to provide my clients with the best online marketing solutions and strategies to improve their business, optimize their spend and maximize their profits. I am committed to providing my clients with honest and valuable advice that will […]

Jean Lannes

As a key account manager, there is no more satisfying feeling for me than being able to see the success of a campaign in black and white, together with the customer. Thanks to ongoing dialogue with experts from various industries, I find I also learn a lot from outside my own field.

Dario Buff

Your success is my passion. Together with you, I strive for a clear goal, which we measure with absolute transparency. I take pride in the efficient performance and detailed development of online campaigns. Continual improvement is my guiding principle, which I enjoy adapting to every campaign.

Cara Rusch

Colors, shapes and images are what are remembered. They give a statement even more power and emotion. Whether it’s a logo, brochure, or illustration, as a graphic designer, I can help you visualize your ideas and objectives. Stand out from the crowd with our help. Let’s leave a lasting impression together.

Kathrin Schubiger

As I’m responsible for finance, I provide a calm counterbalance to the hustle and bustle of our performance agency. As well as the fiery passion for innovation and vision, it is just as important to offer transparency, reliability, and security when it comes to billing and payments.

Marco Meneghin

Als leidenschaftlicher Performance Marketer und Unternehmer ist es für mich eine Herzensangelegenheit, für unsere Kunden optimale Kampagnen zu planen, umzusetzen und auszuwerten. Dies immer mit dem Ziel, die wichtigste Kennzahl überhaupt zu steigern – den Gewinn! Seit 8 Jahren beschäftige ich mich mit digitalem Marketing, insbesondere mit Marketingstrategie, Conversion-Optimierung und Suchmaschinenmarketing.


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Möchten Sie verstehen, wie Sie Neukunden oder Mitarbeiter für Ihr Business gewinnen können? Nutzen Sie die Chance, unser Vorgehen kennenzulernen – völlig kostenlos. Bewerben Sie sich jetzt für ein individuelles Marketingkonzept im Wert von 590 CHF, das speziell auf Ihr Unternehmen zugeschnitten ist.


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